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Isabella (Isa) Stallworthy

JSMF Postdoctoral Fellow



Middlebury College

University of Minnesota

Isabella (Isa) Stallworthy is a James S. McDonnell Foundation (JSMF) postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. Isa draws on developmental theory and dynamic systems frameworks to investigate the building blocks of social life across multiple human systems. She studies the dynamic processes through which brains, physiology, and behavior coordinate and specialize at multiple timescales to support social interaction, cognition, and learning in development. Taking a developmental psychopathology approach, Isa studies typically developing populations as well as those with elevated neurodevelopmental risk for lifelong disability. During her PhD at the University of Minnesota’s Institute of Child Development as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, she investigated core social cognitive processes in the first years of life. Her areas of study included social motivation, social-visual exploration, joint attention, and social co-regulation, as well as the physiological and environmental factors influencing their development. She was recently selected to receive the 2023 International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP) Dissertation Award. As a postdoctoral fellow, Isa is leveraging network neuroscience techniques and multiple neuroimaging modalities to ask innovative questions about the neurobiological underpinnings of social cognition and interaction in human development.

Fun Facts

    * has lived on 4 different continents
    * loves cheese

Lifespan Informatics and Neuroimaging Center

Richards Research Labs, 5th Floor

3700 Hamilton Walk

Philadelphia, PA 19104


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