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Audrey Luo

MD/PhD Student


Yale University

Born and raised in New Jersey, Audrey graduated from Yale in 2017 with a degree in psychology. She became interested in mental health advocacy early in college and sought to understand both the social determinants and neurobiological underpinnings of psychopathology through research. Audrey completed her senior thesis in Holmes Lab on how depressive symptomatology affects error processing and reward-seeking behavior. After graduation, she moved on to the NIH where she studied epigenetic changes in alcohol use disorder in the Section on Clinical Genomics and Experimental Therapeutics. She first began working with neuroimaging data in the summer after her first year of medical school and was blown away by how one can visualize the physical and functional architecture of the developing brain. In her first project in the lab, Audrey characterized robust patterns of functional connectivity development along the sensorimotor-association axis in four large-scale datasets. In her thesis work, Audrey is delineating spatiotemporal patterns of white matter development, specifically within-tract developmental variation.

Fun Facts

    1. thinks white matter is the coolest.
    2. (probably) sang more hours/week than she studied in her senior year of college
    3. is an R girlie, but appreciates python and bash as well.
    4. has lived with 4 turtles and 5 cats in her lifetime!!

Lifespan Informatics and Neuroimaging Center

Richards Research Labs, 5th Floor

3700 Hamilton Walk

Philadelphia, PA 19104


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