An annual tradition, the 2022 PennLINC graduation dinner was held at Mercato restaurant. As part of super fun -- and sometimes emotional -- evening, we bid congrats to five (!) all-star members of the lab who graduate sometime in 2022, including:
Sophia Linguiti (clinical research coordinator), who will go to medical school at Jefferson University.
Kristin Murtha (senior clinical research coordinator), who joins the Clinical Psychology PhD program at Penn (in the lab of Becky Waller).
Adam Pines (neuroscience graduate student), who defended his thesis and will return to Stanford for his post-doctoral fellowship (with Leanne Williams).
Tinashe Tapera (senior data analyst), who will pursue his PhD as part at Northeastern University as part of the Personal Health and Informatics Program in the department of computer science.
Jake Vogel (post-doc), who in 12/2022 will be a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Lund University, in Sweden
CONGRATS to all the graduates -- we are so proud of you!!!!