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Rotations for Neuroscience PhD Students

Ted is always interested in talking to PhD candidates who are members of the UPenn Neuroscience Graduate Group (NGG). Contact Ted (sattert at upenn dot edu) to learn more or set up a lab rotation. If you are a prospective student, please do not reach out to Ted until you are accepted to NGG. Note that all neuroscience graduate students must complete a rotation in the lab prior to joining for a thesis project.

Bioengineering PhD Students

Ted is a member of the bioengineering (BE) graduate group in the Penn School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. PhD candidates in the BE group can rotate with Ted. Furthermore, the Penn BE group does allow for "direct admit" applications. Through this mechanism, students can apply directly to work with Ted for their BE PhD thesis. Both current PhD candidates and prospective students should reach out to Ted directly (sattertt at upenn dot edu) to learn more

Lifespan Informatics and Neuroimaging Center

Richards Research Labs, 5th Floor

3700 Hamilton Walk

Philadelphia, PA 19104


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