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Lifespan Informatics & Neuroimaging Center

Innovation in data science and translational neuroscience to understand brain development and mental illness


  Our research uses advanced analytics to integrate complex brain images and rich behavioral data.   Ultimately, we seek to map normal brain development and understand how alterations in brain maturation increase risk of psychiatric illness.



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Hamsi Radhakrishnan

Human Brain Mapping


Establishing the Validity of CS-DSI

If you're a neuroscientist who wants to use DSI to look at some cool microstructural details but can't afford to add the extra 20 minutes of scan time to your protocol, compressed sensing might be your new best friend!

We show that CS-DSI schemes can generate white matter derivatives comparable to those generated by a full DSI scheme, allowing up to a 60% decrease in scan time with minimal loss in accuracy or reliability! This could allow both researchers and even clinicians to harness the advantages of DSI sequences that were previously impractical to deploy.

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Arielle S. Keller

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience


Linking the "exposome" with functional topography and cognition

Despite the importance of the environment in shaping individual differences in cognitive neurodevelopment, it has been challenging to quantify the many interconnected features of a child's environment ('exposome'). Here, we leverage a large-scale dataset to investigate to demonstrate that the exposome is associated with individual differences in functional brain network organization and cognition. We find that models trained on a single variable capturing a child′s exposome can more accurately and parsimoniously predict future cognitive performance than models trained on a wealth of personalized neuroimaging data. This highlights the importance of childhood environments in shaping neurocognitive development.

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Golia Shafiei

Biological Psychiatry


Linking functional connectivity and borderline personality disorder

Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) often manifest in adolescence, yet the relationship between these debilitating symptoms and functional networks is not well understood. Here we investigated how multivariate patterns of functional connectivity are associated with symptoms of BPD in a large sample of young adults and adolescents. We found that functional connectivity predicts symptoms of BPD in young adults and adolescents. Moreover, findings demonstrated that brain regions whose functional connectivity develops the most in youth align with those associated with BPD, providing evidence for understanding BPD as a neurodevelopmental disorder.


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ted satterthwaite

Ted is the McLure Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. His research uses multi-modal neuroimaging to describe both normal and abnormal patterns of brain development, in order to better understand the origins of mental illnesses.

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